The power of plants: How to improve workplace wellbeing


The power of plants: How to improve workplace wellbeing

A focus on wellbeing in the workplace is vital for individuals working in care industries like childcare and aged and disability care, to be effective in their roles. Educators and carers need the support, tools and opportunities to foster wellbeing in themselves — and those in their care — for all to thrive.

From exercise to mindfulness and finding support from others, thankfully there are many strategies we can use daily to reduce this stress and improve wellbeing. Nature is another useful tool that has many benefits to offer.

Improve wellbeing in the workplace with plants

It is well-known that spending time outdoors has benefits for the children in our care, as well as for adults of all ages. Research shows that nature has a calming and restorative effect on people, and that time spent with plants have therapeutic effects on those living in aged care facilities.

Being outside all the time is impossible, but we can bring plants inside with us. Having plants in the home and workplace doesn’t just look nice, but it can boost your wellbeing, reduce stress and anxiety and physically improve the quality of the air. According to research, introducing indoor plants at work can reduce sickness, heighten creativity and increase productivity.

Choosing the right plants


So it’s been proven that incorporating indoor plants can improve the overall wellbeing of us all. From childcare educators and children, to those working in aged and disability care and the individuals living in aged care facilities. But which ones do we choose?

Some plants can be rather high maintenance, after all, an ‘indoor’ plant doesn’t really exist, so you need to find plants that are tolerant of living inside.

Succulents make great indoor plants as they have the ability to store away water and survive dry conditions, including dry air inside. In fact, less is more when it comes to watering them and once a week through summer to every three weeks in winter should do the trick. Other options to consider are spider plants, ferns and peace lilies.

Reduce seasonal stress

When so much of the day is spent indoors, incorporating some plantlife into your workplace is a great approach to keeping wellbeing a focus in your aged care facility or childcare centre especially around the Christmas period which can come with particular stresses.

Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Caring for the plants can deliver even more benefits to both staff and those in your care, fostering a connection with nature and appreciation for her wisdom.